Healing Spaces

Our Healing Spaces are oases, dedicated to holistic well-being. Take a break and gift yourself with an Ayurvedic Massage, an Astrology Reading or an Osteopathy session. It might give you the wings to fly!
You can book appointments during the festival in our office. Prices for sessions are around 80€ for 1-1,5h.
Ayurvedic Massages
with Joanna Tohtz

Joanna is an Ayurveda Therapist trained by Janavallabha Das. Discovering Ayurveda was profoundly transformative to her – just like homecoming and realigning with oneness. In her massages she shares this joy, inviting others into reconnection with loving and grounding touch. To deepen her knowledge Joanna is studying Osteopathy and Holistic Health. She is a passionate Kundalini Yoga practitioner.
Liberation & Emotional Release Treatment
with Raphael

Experience a unique and tailored emotional release with Raphael. Through body reading, deep tissue manipulation, breath work, and joint release, cellular memory of trauma is erased, and energy blockages are cleared. The result is an increase of body-mind connection to help you progress in your path towards shunya and its infinite bliss. Sessions are designed to loving and effectively approach the spiritual and worldly needs of each person.
Raphael is a Berlin-based bodyworker and meditator with more than 30 years of experience. Trained as an osteopath, his work is marked by the enigmatic interconnection of human body and psyche. His sessions are a blending of several holistic techniques – like Osho Rebalancing, rebirthing, somatic touch, and astrological body reading – to bring the body back to balance, harmony, and self-consciousness.
Deep Regeneration with Rebozo
with Navkiran Noémie Ulrich

Our Nervous System is like an infinite spider web with endless connections. What brings a frame to it is our physical body: this is the space through which we explore life and our environment. Through habits, stress, trauma, we may become more and more disconnected from our physical body. We can reach a point where the nervous system is overwhelmed and cannot hold anymore. It is disconnected from its container. It breaks down. Exhaustion. Burn out.
Before ending there, offer yourself a secure space to deeply regenerate your nervous system. In the rebozo, a long traditional woven scarf from Mexico, let yourself be carried and held. You dive into the experience of letting go totally safe. Recharge in your center, your inner truth. And finally come back, ready to embrace life again.
As a Kundalini Yoga Teacher and a doula, Navkiran dedicates her life to create intimate and sacred spaces to allow people and mothers to give birth to themselves. In 2017, she cofounded the yoga center Adi Shakti in Vevey, Switzerland. Beside weekly classes and workshop, she is offering the ANS Awakening Teacher Training Level 1.
Soul Body Fusion®
with Miranda Param Bhagat

Do you sometimes feel that your soul and your body aren’t in synch? Do you feel ungrounded or not fully present? Do you know that you should have more energy and vitality, but can’t get there?
Your soul is your connection to the richness and power of the Universal Source. When body and soul are misaligned you can’t be the divine-human you are meant to be. Many of us are at odds with ourselves, stumbling along without the full power and presence of our spirit. Life’s traumas, abuses, and disappointments can cause the energetic frequencies of soul and body to be out of synch. Soul Body Fusion® is an energetic process that works immediately and penetrates deeply in a calm way; a deep, complete, and loving recognition of who you essentially are. It’s a simple, safe, and quick process you can do on yourself, and others that re-aligns the body at a cellular level with the highest possible light it can hold. The changes are permanent and never-ending.
The session happens in a group and consists of two 10-minute parts, with a short break in between where the intention is set to merge your body with the light of your soul.
Miranda Param Bhagat is certified Soul Body Fusion® practitioner and teacher.
Osteopathy Session
with Emmanuel Maitre

Emmanuel is Osteopath since more than 20 years. He has created an own synthesis in his therapeutic consultations between gentle osteopathy and Applied Dynamic Ontology (trained with the founder Doris Neuville), a spiritual approach to healing based on breath. Emmanuel is an ANS Kundalini Yoga Teacher and teaches regular classes.
Astrological Counseling
with Amarpal Singh

Amarpal Singh is an integral psychotherapist and evolutionary astrologer, and has been working in relationship therapy and somatic psychology for over 25 years. A Reading can help:
- Discover your soul’s evolutionary purpose
- Clarify important personal issues
- Understand patterns of stress and change non productive habits
- Uncover, explore, and allow new possibilities in your life
- Resolve interpersonal conflicts
- Handle transitions: health, career, relationship and death
- Face natural evolutionary cycles with courage and wisdom