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Music & Dance

Let your Spirit rise

Mantra Concert

with Ferenz Kallos & Kiane Maria

Ferenz Kallos, a sacred music composer, producer, artist, violinist, guitarist, pianist, combines influences from the East with influences from both Classical, World music, meditation music, creating a stimulating and exotic multi-cultural fusion that is truly introspection spirit music. He believes in love, peace and harmony through sound healing. With a background as an orchestra conductor, orchestration and sound engineering he produced, arranged and mixed 38 music albums including Gypsy Kings, Sat Kirin Kaur Khalsa (Ignite your Light), Joseph Michael Levry| Gurunam (12 albums), Amanbir Singh, Aykanna, Mercedes Bahleda and many more.

Kiane Maria is a Franco-German singer with a great passion of singing mantras. This allow her to sing without ego, without thoughts and thus to experience distance from the active mind and to share a moment of connection and harmony with her audience.
With violinist and composer Ferenz Kallos, they form an unparalleled duo as well as a very talented mantra group.

Meet your Animal Guides

A Shamanic Sound Journey with Sheian and Alyona Algeria

Meet your Animal Guides is a Shamanic Breathwork Journey to uncover the energies that support and guide you through life. Calling on the ancient protectors of the 4 winds and 3 hearts we will journey together with breath and sound. Dropping into rounds of deep breathing that will take your brainwaves into the delta state, a place of restoration and creativity accompanied by a multi instrumentalist soundscape. Go on a journey within and come back with some new inner knowledge to keep for life.

Sheian & Alyona Algeria are in Sacred Union sharing their love for life through yoga, sound, breathwork, and healing. Together they have 20 years of teaching experience. Sheian is a wizard at taking a student to the edge and through a breathwork experience. Alyona brings in that sweet rhythm inviting us to catch ourselves in the blind spots and welcome in the magic of the light beingness we are.

Ecstatic Dance for Peace & Love

with DJ Ilios Saman

Legendary at Le Martinet: This Ecstatic Dance Journey with Artist and Composer DJ Ilios Saman is a deep sensual tantric journey into emotional Techno and Trance. Don’t miss it! We all LOVE it!

Rhythms of the Soul

A dance journey with DJ Badawan

This unique event takes participants on a musical expedition through various realms of electronic music, infused with pulsating rhythms from around the world. Badawan invites you to break the boundaries of the familiar and discover yourself in the diverse sounds. Each song tells its own story, opening doors to unexplored sonic landscapes. Participants will be taken on a journey that moves not only their feet but also their souls. The music becomes a bridge between the past and the future. The dance floor becomes a place of freedom, where participants can find their own movements and discover their personal rhythm. Let the music touch your soul and experience how electronic sounds blur the boundaries between space and time.

Badawan is a multidimensional being with many names and forms, also known as Jonas Naam Nidhaan Studer. He works as a Kundalini Yoga teacher in the Swiss Alps, as an artist, and as a musician

Sounds of Amrit Nam Sarovar

with the Amrit Nam Sarovar Band

Sounds of Amrit Nam Sarovar is the union and the reunion of the souls that connect to experience and share the ecstatic joy of music. Inspired by the teachings of Kundalini Yoga and Tantra, we walk the path of Transformation in service to the collective consciousness of humanity through the power of sound. As we gather, our songs and music become a collective prayer so that we may all come back to oneness.

American Spirit

with Sukbhir Kaur (Claire Lautier)

Sukhbir Kaur (Claire Lautier) enjoyed a 25-year career as a professional actress and singer on stages across North America and abroad, and in mainstream television and film. But her heart always thrilled to traditional musicals by the great American composers of the 20th century, many of which espouse universal, deeply spiritual values of love, unity, and the adoration of Nature.

In this intimate concert, Sukhbir Kaur shares some of the most beautiful, beloved, and spiritually inspiring songs from the tradition of the American Musical Theatre and invites you to sing along and let your heart soar.

The Sun and Moon of Love・Sufi Dances

with Amarpal Singh

We co-create a direct experience of peace and unity chanting mantras, dancing in circle, concentration, and conscious breathing. The vibration of our voices along with live music and dance lead to expanded states of consciousness.
We will share dynamic meditations and chants to celebrate the play of the masculine and feminine polarities in ourselves, our group, our partners and in the whole creation. Welcome all to this playful exploration of conscious relationships.

Gong Puja Ceremony (4,5h)

with Miranda Param Bhagat and others

In a gong bath you are taken by the gong on a spiritual journey to the source of our most intimate self. The gong symbolizes the sound OM, which is the sound of the total resonance with the universe. This GONG PUJA lasts 6 times longer than a normal gong bath and is therefore 6 times more powerful!

Immersed in the sound of the gong, we restore and rejuvenate as the cosmic ocean of vibration washes over us; cleansing, unblocking and freeing us. The functional (dis)harmony created by the gong tones creates an inner silence where deep healing can take place. During Puja we meditate – or we sleep – a sleep like no other; where we are awake in a dream. The gongs are played softly throughout the event. We are guided by more than 12 gongs with all kinds of healing frequencies.

As the powerful vibrations and harmonic sounds wash over you, deep relaxation and liberation can occur while consciousness journeys. Expect the unexpected the next morning and for weeks afterward.

Healing Mantra Circle

with Thomas Anand Singh

Thomas Anand Singh is a French-Indian musician and composer born in Lyon. When a teenager, he discovered the practice of Kundalini Yoga and was initiated to Light Technology by the Ascended Masters. Forever inspired by the mysticism and healing power of sound, he shares through his voice and instruments, harmonising frequencies and blueprints of light and love.

Sacred Mantra Chants

with Kahoula

This group invites you to interactive concerts, to share a space by chanting together sacred mantra chants collected from different languages, cultures and vibrations.

These chants are very powerful to transforme, transmute, heal, open up consciousness and hearts. By chanting them together they get even more powerful.
No need to know how to chant, chanting with your hearts is the secret. You can also choose to listen, to dance, to relax, to dive into this ocean of healing sounds.

We create together an open sacred space. Each concert is unique and is a great collective experience.

Kahoula | Marie Astoul (Singing and Guitare), Sébastien Maire (Singing and Guitare), Charles (Bass)