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Workshop Program

Discover our inspiring Workshop program, which will take place during the first two festival days. We are happy to offer a wide range of workshops to different topics from our international Trainer Team and other instructors.

New Vision Workshop

with Sukhbir Claire Lautier

The New Vision Workshop is a dynamic, powerful and fun group consciousness experience designed to raise your vibration and align you with the Divine Dream for your life.

Sukhbir Claire will guide you through a heart-centered journey to connect with your imagination and intuition, break through self-imposed limitations, and envision a life that unfolds as the highest expression of your gifts. Through exposure to consciousness-expanding content, writing, group/partner exercises and improvisation, you will be inspired to connect with the frequency of your Soul and ground its energy in your life.

Claire Lautier (Sukhbir Kaur) is an award-winning Certified Transformational Coach, podcaster, author, a KRI-Certified Teacher and ANS-Certified Level 2 Teacher Trainer.

Clowning Part 1 – Playfulness & Improvisation

with Guru Amrit Charlotte Gowdy and Gurmukh Nam Annie Lockerbie Newton

“The opposite of play is not work – the opposite of play is depression!”

Sure, you can wake up at 5am and do 108 frogs, but do you have the courage to stand in front of a group of people and be vulnerable? Playful? Spontaneous? Ridiculous? Do you have the courage to fail? To fall flat on your face? And do you have the humility to laugh at yourself and accept all the parts you try to hide?
In this workshop we practice the long lost art of playfulness. By immersing ourselves into creative play, spontaneity and improvisation and by practicing letting go of control and rationality, a space is opened up for unimaginable delights. Let’s create magic!

GURU AMRIT has been teaching clowning for the past 25 years at schools across Canada, USA and South America. An award-winning actor / director, she’s also a devoted Kundalini yoga teacher, passionate about unifying the two worlds of spirituality and play.

GURMUKH NAM is a long-limbed clown and kundalini yoga teacher born in Toronto, Canada, now based in France. She graduated from Ecole Internationale Jaques Lecoq and now makes absurd theatre/clown shows, teaches theatre, yoga and clowning to students of all ages and comes to Le Martinet whenever she can. 

Clowning Part 2 – Red-Nose Ridiculousness

with Guru Amrit Charlotte Gowdy and Gurmukh Nam Annie Lockerbie Newton

Welcome to the highly advanced spiritual practice of clowning.

Now that you’ve established a foundation of playfulness and spontaneity in Clowning Part 1, you are ready to receive the sacred key to your unique, ridiculous stupidity: a plastic red nose! With the world’s tiniest mask, we invite you to express your absurdity, your lightness, your simplicity, your joy and your pleasure of being a totally imperfect human.

The universe has a sense of humour and nothing is ever as serious as we think it is. Join us in celebrating the potent medicine of laughter. Reconnect with the sacred, joyful child inside of you that has deep, innocent wisdom to share. Let’s come together and remember that it’s all just one big game.

Listen & regulate your Nervous System

with Navkiran Noémie Ulrich

Kundalini Yoga is known for strengthening the nervous system & balancing the glands.

In this workshop, Navkiran invites you to explore the relationship you have with your nervous system, understand better how it works and why it is so important nowadays to care for this essential guardian. We can and do live without thinking about it, but is that really “living”? The world we are in today pushes us all to live on a “survival” mode. If we want to bring consciousness in our daily choices, interactions and behaviors, the famous “act and not react”, it’s necessary to listen to and develop a loving relationship to our nerves. Identify the signs that you are unbalanced and learn how to regulate with very basics exercises before diving into a kundalini practice. It’s about self-consciousness and selfhealing.

As a kundalini yoga teacher and a doula, Navkiran dedicates her life to create intimate and sacred spaces to allow people and mothers to give birth to themselves. In 2017, she cofounded the yoga center Adi Shakti in Vevey, Switzerland. Beside weekly classes and workshop, she is offering the ANS Awakening Teacher Training Level 1.

Awaken the Healer within

with Emmanuel Maitre

Through simple practices, participants can experience the link between Yoga and healing work and activate their healing potentials. The summery of the workshop is, to unify the consciousness of the physical body with the more subtle consciousness, to create an alchemic reaction. 

Emmanuel is Osteopath since more than 20 years. He has created an own synthesis in his therapeutic consultations between gentle osteopathy and Applied Dynamic Ontology (trained with the founder Doris Neuville), a spiritual approach to healing based on breath. Emmanuel is an ANS Kundalini Yoga Teacher and teaches regular classes.

Meet your Animal Guides

A Shamanic Sound Journey with Sheian and Alyona Algeria

Meet your Animal Guides is a Shamanic Breathwork Journey to uncover the energies that support and guide you through life. Calling on the ancient protectors of the 4 winds and 3 hearts we will journey together with breath and sound. Dropping into rounds of deep breathing that will take your brainwaves into the delta state, a place of restoration and creativity accompanied by a multi instrumentalist soundscape. Go on a journey within and come back with some new inner knowledge to keep for life. 

Sheian & Alyona Algeria are in Sacred Union sharing their love for life through yoga, sound, breathwork, and healing. Together they have 20 years of teaching experience. Sheian is a wizard at taking a student to the edge and through a breathwork experience. Alyona brings in that sweet rhythm inviting us to catch ourselves in the blind spots and welcome in the magic of the light beingness we are.

Creativity in Kundalini Yoga

Workshop for Kundalini Yoga Teachers with Prem Jot

To join a Kundalini Yoga class can be a deep transformative experience, received as a journey with different stages toward your True Self. When the teacher is plugged in the source, the student can receive the kriya as a kiss of the divine grace.
In this workshop we will discover Kundalini Yoga classes under the eyes of creativity. Every class is a spiritual journey. What if we teach a class as a sacred theater play, a Darshan with its own script, soundtrack and red thread? How can we create classes which are highly inspiring, transformative and creative?

Prem Jot was dedicating many years of her life in transforming textiles. As a fashion designer she was the pioneer of Upcycling. Kundalini Yoga became her gateway to liberation and the door to a new life, where she transforms in more subtle realms; weaving spaces from light to support others on their way to realization. For her each KY class is a creative act, a movie, where the storyboard leads the student towards his own liberation.

Clay Workshop・Sacred Connection to Earth

with Art Therapist Marie Simran Astoul

Art therapy has the capacity to lead us towards the expression of our emotions, our uniqueness, our unconscious, so as to liberate us by letting go through the creative process. It leads us towards a deeper self-awareness and the emergence of our innermost selves.

In this workshop we will work with the element Earth in form of clay. Within a guided ritual of gratitude and sacred connection to the Earth we will sense how this element is embodied in our life.

Marie Simran was early in her life attracted to a therapeutic support through arts, body and psychology. She studied at the Beaux Arts and obtained a degree in psychology leading to a Master in Art Therapy.

Kundalini Yoga Fundamentals

with Param Bhagat Miranda Beenackers

In this workshop you learn to develop maximum functional strength, reach the safe extremes of functional flexibility, discover the keys to the best alignment for your body and artfully define the areas that need the most attention

Live longer with healthy organs. The signals to the organs run through the spinal column. You learn how to align the joints, including the spine. By addressing ‘forgotten muscle groups’ and working on the fascia supporting these muscles, you bring your own body into balance.

Learn fundamental postures and alignment principles that will enable a safe and effective kundalini yoga practice. For example, learn how to sit easy in easy pose (with a straight spine), learn the lines of energy in triangle pose. Feel the angles. 
Expect detailed instruction and adjustments. You will discover new ways to activate muscles and replenished with a calm energy. Leave this workshop feeling the best kind of paradox – accomplished yet challenged and relaxed yet energetic.

This wisdom comes from the Pralaya Yoga System. Miranda has studied and been teaching this for more than 13 years now. Certified RYT 500H and ANS Level 1 and 2.

Alchemy of Breath

with Hari Kartar Mehdi Redzepi

At certain times in our lives, the emotions and memories of the body freeze and block us. Alchemical breathing enables us to get in touch with them, to transform these heavy, burdensome energies into new, radiant energies. To experience alchemical breathing is to enter into the healing consciousness of the breath, to feel, welcome, accept and love who we fully are.

The benefits of this technique:

  • Helps release blockages
  • Brings more oxygen into the body
  • Increases our ability to become aware of our body
  • Expands awareness
  • Allows us to connect better with ourselves and others
  • Reduces stress and brings a state of serenity and relaxation
  • Improves the link between the physical, mental and spiritual bodies

After discovering, experimenting and learning this method in 2017, Hari Kartar decided to offer it to anyone who wants to transform their inner world using the breath. He is honored to accompany all those who see in our breath a high transformative potential.

Sound Journey & Oxygen Bottle

with Vincent Lucas

Vincent Lucas is offering a powerful and joyful alchemical mixture open to everyone. We will go through a Kundalini Diamond time (one or more circles), to fill our oxygen bottle and we will continue this encounter with a time of meditative relaxation with native instruments such as gongs, Tibetan bowls, flutes, Didgeridoo, drums, and other small sound treats.

Vincent Lucas met with the vital Kundalini energy in 2010 during a White Tantra. Since then, he has continued to understand how it works and why it exists. He followed the teachings of Satyavrati for four years, with whom he learned to activate it consciously. His teaching passes exclusively through experience, everyone must rely on his own feelings to understand how it works and to appreciate what it changes in us. This is how from a professional photographer; Vincent gradually became an ambassador of Kundalini.