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Le Martinet Yoga Festival 2025

27 July – 3 August 2025

The theme for the 2025 festival is


Since immemorial times yoga has produced true human beings, as an isolated exception in the wild.

The coming back of the yoga on the planetary scene is today to massively qualify human beings for the New Human. This is a necessity for the shift in consciousness to abandon the spirit of exploitation and move into care and service to the five kingdoms (minerals, plants, animals, humans, deva & angels). We are not born with that qualification, and an accelerated journey is waiting for us to drop our fears, daring to visit the edge of duality and break through to realize our collective unity.

The dream of one planet and one humanity is only possible to manifest if each one of us qualifies. 

The process through this festival is a glimpse of the work we have to develop individually. We may enjoy the Leela of our collective destiny as a human community. This perspective was very clear already 40 years ago, when we started to spread Kundalini Yoga. Time is now to accelerate our mutation. All conditions are here to support and lead everyone. 

The Le Martinet Yoga Festival 2025 is designed as a traditional process for METAMORPHOSIS based on 5 steps:


The yatra to join this festival is already the first step, where you decide to move from I, a separate consciousness into WE, the collective identity.


We invite you to go into places where you were ignoring deep unconscious tensions and embrace and release them. That is what we call the phase of catharsis. 


When you free yourself from control and open to resilience, the practice of sacred pranayama techniques supports you to break through and go beyond. This phase is called ecstatic trance.


Diving deep and meeting with your shadow self, repent and forgive, take you to the altitude of your Higher Self. As above so below! That’s the phase of elevation. 


The diagonal energy is activated when there is no opposition or duality. Here there is no above and belowno inside and outside, no feminine and masculine anymore, but the tantric field of the Oneness. The transcended Self can be realized in that field. 

Line up 2025 coming soon!


Join us in the serene embrace of the mountains where nature and the Vercors National Park converge for an immersive full week experience of

Music・Art・Tantra・Kundalini Yoga


“This was part of the best moments in my life.”

“Absolutely gorgeous and surprising. and it was not easy to surprise me since I am coming very regularly to Le Martinet”

“Magic, Perfect, Round”

“it was perfect organized with a top level program from the first email contact to the last moments!”

“challenging, joyful, absolutely great”

“Great experience, full of joy, love and open hearts.”

“Fantastic, deep, reconnection with me”

“It was beautiful, challenging, overwhelming and inspiring”