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Level 2

Journey into the Great Awakening

ANS Kundalini Yoga Awakening Teacher Training Level 2

The Amrit Nam Sarovar Awakening Training Level 2 is like a puzzle of 7 Journeys (each lasting one week), completed over two years (or more), consisting in total of 550 hours of study. 

Each week is as much an event as a journey. You will receive knowledge on how to use the sacred tools we work with within your own life. More than just yoga, you will be immersed in real context, for applied consciousness experiences. Think of it as a wheel of transformation, the elements of which you may access at any time, in synchronicity with your own personal development. 

We offer 3 + 1 journeys every year (3 Journeys plus Sacred Geometry, the geometry of multidimensionality, as a yearly module with different content each time).

For any of the Journeys, you are invited to renew your experience as many times you choose.

Practicum for each Journey

  • Preparation practice: 40-days or other practice prior to the module
  • Follow-up practice: 40-days kriya and various applications
  • 1 mentoring session 40 days post-experience for self-evaluation with your ANS Teacher Mentor

The Journeys

  • Journey into the Energy Bodies: key access to understand and experience kriyas in depth, the dynamic laws of the 5 tattvas (elements), and basics in Ayurveda
  • Journey into Listening: inner child| connection to the divine love and unconditional Forgiveness, tools for how to resolve your shadows
  • Journey into Tantra: harmonious and enlightened relationships, healing the wounds of love
  • Journey into the Mind: the power to manifest, how to tame your mind and its 81 facets, exploration of all the stages of meditation
  • Journey of the Soul: reconnect the gifts of your higher self, reset your purpose for a successful life, rewrite your biography
  • Journey into the Beyond: death as your friend to transcend the 3D life, the path of the light warrior 
  • Journey into Sacred Geometry: perpetual Transformation, the language of forms, numbers, signs and codes to manifest the Divine Presence

Accommodation at Le Martinet

We offer following room categories: 

Single room with shared bathroom55 € | night
Single room with own shower65 € | night
Bed in a double room with own bathroom45 € | night
Bed in a dormitory25 € | night
Bed in a tent dormitory15 € | night
You sleep in your own tent 0 € | night

Level 2 Modules/Journeys

You finished your Level 1 Training and you are teaching regularly Kundalini Yoga Classes?
Become an ANS Teacher and sign up for our Teacher Membership

Level 2 Module 1

Journey into the Energy Bodies

The Principle of Vibration

“Nothing rests; Everything moves; Everything vibrates.”

This journey is a deep experience into the key factors of the energy consciousness within a kriya. The vitality and longevity in life are based on the harmonic cycle of the 5 elements. You will learn how to balance your own vitality and apply Kriyas from self-healing to self-enlightenment. This is the foundation of the Ayurvedic and yogic philosophy of life. By discovering your dosha (constitution) you can learn how to modify your lifestyle and balance your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. 

Date: 12-18 April 2025

Arrival time 17h | program starts at 19.30h on the day of arrival.
Program finishes at 12.30h on the day of departure.

Price for the weekly program is 950 € (incl. VAT).
Included in the price are the teaching fee and the food. 

Level 2 Module 2

Journey into Listening

The Principle of Polarity

“Everything is dual, everything has poles and everything has its pair of opposites; Like and Unlike are the same; Opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; Extremes meet; All truths, are but half-truths; All paradoxes may be reconciled (resonance and reflexion)”

By listening you can master your world here and the beyond. Everything that speaks comes from the beyond. In psychology we call it unconscious. Facing traumatic situations from early age, we develop strategies to avoid the repetition of painful situations. We shut up the unconscious voices and create imaginary personalities. We crystalise most of these aspects in our first seven years. How can we let this subconscious personality, which constitutes our shadow self, our Papa Purusha, speak to us? This is the veil that forbids us to listen to our higher self and master self. 

In this week you experience how to embrace all the voices when they speak to you and to discover self-love and compassion to all of them. The healing occurs when our multiple identity become one. 

Date: 14 – 20 June 2025

Arrival time 17h | program starts at 19.30h on the day of arrival.
Program finishes at 12.30h on the day of departure.

Price for the weekly program is 950 € (incl. VAT).
Included in the price are the teaching fee and the food. 

 “Recognize the other person is you.”

Level 2 Module 3

Journey into Tantra

The Principle of Gender

“Gender is in everything; Everything has its masculine and feminine principles.”

He! She! We! Do you really want a relationship?
By experiencing our gender archetypes we become aware of our 3000 years gender
war history. Choosing peaceful and harmonious relationships, we will elevate our perception beyond gender and find ways to reconciliation. The gender and sexual energy are the play of sun and moon energy. We will let them dance together as a celebration of life and a Kundalini Awakening experience. This is why Kundalini Yoga is rooted in Tantra Yoga. 

Date: 18 – 24 October 2025

Arrival time 17h | program starts at 19.30h on the day of arrival.
Program finishes at 12.30h on the day of departure.

Price for the weekly program is 950 € (incl. VAT).
Included in the price are the teaching fee and the food. 

Level 2 Module 4

Journey into the mind

The Principal of Mentalism

“The all is mind; the universe is mental.”

HU-MAN; HU=enlightened MAN=Manas the mind

To be a true human is to co-create the reality from an enlightened mind. Do you want to create and live in the world you choose? The power of manifestation is revealed when you wake up the artist in you. This is the secret of magic in life. In this module we will discover the mind-structure and its 9 archetypes. We will explore the intrigues of its multiple facets and enter the healing wheel of the mind. An intense practice of meditation will let you experience the stage of Shunia. 

Date: 2026

Arrival time 17h | program starts at 19.30h on the day of arrival.
Program finishes at 12.30h on the day of departure.

Price for the weekly program is 950 € (incl. VAT).
Included in the price are the teaching fee and the food. 

“It matters not how strait the gate; how charged with punishments the scroll. I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul.“

Nelson Mandela
Level 2 Module 5

Journey of the Soul

The Principle of Rhythm

“Nothing rests; Everything moves; Everything vibrates.”

How can you rewrite your biography and reset your destiny? We will share tools to manage your time with care and awareness, the secret for an abundant, happy and successful destiny.  
This soul journey teaches you how to manage crises and changes in your 7
11-18 life cycles. When thesecycles manifest as a cluster, it is time for changes and re-evaluation of your choices. You will resolve the conflict between fate and destiny, so that prosperity and satisfaction will be yours.  

Date: 2026

Arrival time 17h | program starts at 19.30h on the day of arrival.
Program finishes at 12.30h on the day of departure.

Price for the weekly program is 950 € (incl. VAT).
Included in the price are the teaching fee and the food. 

Level 2 Module 6

Journey into the Beyond

The Principle of Correspondence

“As above, so below, as below, so above.
As within, so without, as without, so within.”

When you choose your highest destiny, you become a light warrior of Shamballa. You will impact the world through your action; you will be self-empowered and self-inspired, while you uplift others. 
In this Journey you will become friends with Death – “YAMA” – and communicate with the beyond. You will understand that the question is not how to live, but how you want to die. The Journey guides you into the experience of the 4th dimension and multidimensionality. 

Date: 26 October – 1 November 2024

Arrival time 17h | program starts at 19.30h on the day of arrival.
Program finishes at 12.30h on the day of departure.

Price for the weekly program is 950 € (incl. VAT).
Included in the price are the teaching fee and the food. 

“Numbers are the ruler and forms and ideas, and the cause of gods and demons.”

Level 2 Module 7

Journey into Sacred Geometry

The Principle of Cause and Effect

“Every cause has its effect; Every effect has its cause.”

The inconsistency of Maya, which permanently changes, can only be understood through the permanent principles that sustain her. The language of “Permanence” is made of numbers and specific forms. These two are building the codes on which the matrix produces the universe. 

In this module you will revise the foundation of Sacred Geometry and Numerology and discover new applications. You will understand in-depth the Karmic parameter of your life and how to access the crystallised codes, and see how they cause your conditioned behaviour.

The focus, content and delivery of this module changes every year, subject to what we feel guided is right for the time. 

Date: 2026

Arrival time 17h | program starts at 19.30h on the day of arrival.
Program finishes at 12.30h on the day of departure.

Price for the weekly program is 950 € (incl. VAT).
Included in the price are the teaching fee and the food.